Headford Lace is one of the oldest of the Irish Laces, with a history spanning over 250 years. What is presented here is a comprehensive collection of historical references pertaining to Headford Lace, as well as the social, economic, and political context for the lace industry in Headford.

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The history of the St. George family is inextricably linked with that of Headford Lace. Read how Headford Lace Project used photogrammetry to reveal the faded inscription on the family grave at White Church.

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A letter dropped on the battlefield of the American Revolution at Germantown, near Philadelphia, in 1777 is found to have connections to Headford and leads to the discovery of new information about one of the greatest patrons of Headford Lace. 

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The history of Headford lace is a fascinating story with deep roots in the history of Irish women, often silenced in the historical record. What follows here is a brief history of Headford lace from its inception in the mid 1700s to today.


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