Words and Threads: A gift of poetry as we celebrate St. Brigid’s Day. We reflect on those women from our past involved in the lace industry, the memories stirred and their work treasured. This poem and collection of lace kindly donated to our archive by Heather Hall.
A Place for Lace
Thread-wound bobbins on soft pillows
Crafted by distaff fellows
Patterns fine-formed at a pace
Worked by hand to dainty lace
Much prized by the wealthy well heeled
Lace endorsed their privileged shield
Many hours to make just inches
Lace girls felt the penny pinches
Patterns shaped from nature’s call
Like sunlight through a dry stone wall
or silken-spin cobwebs catching dew
Gave the lace designers clue
Lacework made in every season
For the age old driving reason
Fancy trims for every raiment
Earning necessary payment
Kept by women down the ages
Treasured safe in tissue pages
Some in pride of place on dressers
Some in sideboard drawers treasured
The lace edged veil of a bride
A precious trophy full of pride
Saved for years, no longer worn
Slightly musty now and torn
A tablecloth with handmade trimming
Full of granny’s precious brimming
Handed on from mums to girls
Precious gifts as dear as pearls
Crochet, fine machine or handmade
Lace appeal surely does not fade
Craft, finesse intrigue and mystery
Earns a volume in Art History
The charm of lace is to beguile
It never will go out of style
What fingers, pins and threads create
Is something we should celebrate.
Heather Hall, 2022.